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- Посещения: 156
Офис асистент
Сдружение „Активно българско общество“ е неправителствена организация, която работи по проекти на Европейския корпус за солидарност и програма Еразъм+. Работата на сдружението е свързана с междукултурен и образователен обмен на млади хора, които обичат доброволческите инициативи, включват се в стажове и обичат предизвикателствата. В момента сдружението работи с доброволци от 8 различни държави – Франция, Италия, Испания, Дания, Полша, Литва, Латвия и Германия като осъществяват срещи със средношколци, студенти от Американския университет и Югозападния университет, организират ателиета и уъркшопи, изготвят рекламни материали, дипляни и др. Сдружение „Активно българско общество“ търси за офиса си сътрудник за работа по проект на позиция
Офис асистент
Профил на кандидата:
◊ Студент от специалност „Мениджмънт“ или специалност „Психология“;
◊ Много добро владеене на английски език;
◊ Енергичен, активен, обичащ динамиката и ориентиран към постигане на резултати;
◊ Комуникативен и общуващ с лекота с хората.
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- Посещения: 222
Software Development / DevOps Lead (Sofia)
Starting As Soon As Possible
As a SW Development, you will be responsible for
Setuping Software customization/development internal methodologies;
Coaching and leading our development team (to grow from 2 to 10 people);
Participating to exciting PLM/MES development projects.
Requirements for the position
5+ years of exerience;
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Informatics or Information System;
Fluency in at least 2 programming languages: C/C++, Java, HTML5, .NET;
Fluency in English, both oral and written;
Sense of responsibility, autonomous, proactive, resourceful and team player, ability to coach;
Proficiency in Software development (Specification / Implementation / Testing / Delivery) project methodologies and related solutions (Agile, DevOps).
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- Посещения: 198
Junior Full Stack Developer – Bulgaria
Want to see how an idea becomes a reality?
How a virtual design is transformed into a product?
Are you a fast and eager learner who easily adapt?
Are you willing to innovate the industry while using various technologies?
“Inense” your career!
Join our growing team to provide the best service to our customers. Discover multiple industry sectors (Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Energy, Transportation, High-Tech, Life Science) and develop yourself.
As an international company, Inensia offers a stimulating and supporting working environment with friendly, social and open-minded people. You can now onboard and fully contribute to the expansion of our European delivery center in Sofia in the position of
Junior Full Stack Developer
As a Junior Full Stack Developer, you will be responsible for:
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- Посещения: 954
Junior Business Analyst – Bulgaria
Want to see how an idea becomes a reality?
How a virtual design is transformed into a product?
Are you a fast and eager learner who easily adapt?
Are you willing to innovate the industry while using various technologies?
“Inense” your career!
Join our growing team to provide the best service to our customers. Discover multiple industry sectors (Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Energy, Transportation, High-Tech, Life Science) and develop yourself. As an international company, Inensia offers a stimulating and supporting working environment with friendly, social and open-minded people. You can now onboard and fully contribute to the expansion of our European locations in the position of
Junior Business Analyst
As a Junior Business Analyst, you will be responsible for:
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- Посещения: 176
System Administrator
You have the opportunity to join our team at the position of System Administrator
What will you do?
Responsible for 3rd level support;
Responsible for Active Directory user account add/ moves/deletions;
Trouble shoot shared permission access;
Update AD schema;
Group policy update;
Create and manage shares and NTFS permissions. Deploy packages via login script;
AD\Exchange account administration (modify and manаge user accounts and group permissions);
Cloud Exchange calendar/shared folder permissions and delegation;
AD object maintenance and troubleshooting;