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- Посещения: 117
SAP SD Application Support Intern
Eviden is an Atos Group business with an annual revenue of circa € 5 billion and a global leader in data-driven, trusted and sustainable digital transformation. As a next generation digital business with worldwide leading positions in digital, cloud, data, advanced computing and security, it brings deep expertise for all industries in more than 47 countries. By uniting unique high-end technologies across the full digital continuum with 55,000 world-class talents, Eviden expands the possibilities of data and technology, now and for generations to come.
The StarShip program is a one-year internship designed to help you gain valuable knowledge about SAP basics, navigation and system set up in SAP Sales & Distribution area.
You will also get experience in SAP business process and preparation of user technical documentation.
The position can be considered a natural career path for people with aspirations to develop further in an enterprise environment and offers a wide variety of possibilities to become an SAP consultant in SAP Sales and Distribution team in Eviden Bulgaria.
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- Посещения: 96
Студентски и стажантски програми на Nestle за 2024 г.
Като глобална компания, Nestlé предлага множество възможности за натрупване на опит и знания в областите:
Човешки ресурси
Информационни технологии
Правен отдел
Технически и производствен отдел
Научноизследователска и развойна дейност
Снабдяване и логистика
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- Посещения: 147
Immigration Assistant (Praha)
Асистент по имиграцията (Прага)
Description & Requirements
Who we are looking for
Are you looking for part time job with daily use of foreign languages? Do you speak English and Czech fluently? We are a team of 20 members, focusing on visas and work permits for our global and domestic clients and now we are looking just for you! :)
√good organization and communication skills;
√detail oriented and punctual person;
√communication and written skills in the Czech and English languages;
√PC skills (MS Office, Internet);
√proactive, open minded and assertive person.
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- Посещения: 96
Стажантски проект на Академията за културна дипломация
The Academy for Cultural Diplomacy Internship Project (2020-25) is a 5-year program with the main purpose to enable
students who need an internship as a compulsory part of their BA, MA or other graduate studies to engage in cultural
diplomacy and in doing so, to further promote cultural diplomacy and multiculturalism worldwide.
The positioning of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in the centre of Europe, made it a natural hub for the younger
generation and indeed, the past years projects have been witnessed to interns being active participants in the
multicultural field, where lasting friendships were formed and valuable contacts made, which immediately expanded each
individual's network to all parts of the world.
The diverse multicultural environment provides an excellent framework for Cultural Diplomacy to be practiced on a daily
basis within the office as well as outside of the office. One of the main privileges affords by the project is to work
in a young, interdisciplinary and international environment, which serves as a model of successful multiculturalism in
practice. The experience of learning to work together in a multicultural and international organizational environment is
a rare, unique and a rewarding common experience.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for full-time internships. A minimum of 3 months commitment is required.
Applications for longer periods are welcome. The ICD Academy provides interns with a 520 Euro monthly Scholarship.
Прочетете още: Стажантски проект на Академията за културна дипломация
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- Посещения: 162
Стажантска програма "Инженерна Академия"
Стажантската програма “Engineering Academy” в Reichle and De-Massari Bulgaria Production е едногодишна и платена за развитие и изграждане на бъдещи инженери. Дава възможност за придобиване на първоначален професионален опит в международна компания, лидер в своя бранш, която осигурява индивидуални ментори – изключителни специалисти в своята област. Включва:
• Индивидуална програма за развитие и работа по интересни и предизвикателни проекти;
• Индивидуален ментор – различен във всеки отдел.
Програмата позволява да преминете през 5 модула и ключови отдели в компанията с инженерен фокус: