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- Посещения: 201
Spezialist Kundenanfragen und Verkauf mit deutscher Sprache
Neuer Job, neue Herausforderung, neuer Lebensabschnitt.
Mit regiocom Bulgarien bist du auf dem richtigen Weg!
Wage den nächsten Schritt zu einer besseren Karriereperspektive!
Über 10 Jahre Service Center Bulgarien! 1500 gut gelaunte Leute in Sofia, Varna, Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Dobrich, Stara Zagora und Burgas! Mehr als 10 Projekte und zufriedene Auftraggeber.
6000 Kollegen an mehr als 25 Standorten in Deutschland, Bulgarien, Österreich, Griechenland, in der Türkei und Argentinien! Wir wachsen weiter und werden stärker.
Auf unseren professionellen Kundenservice verlassen sich große deutsche Unternehmen aus verschiedene Branchen wie Energiewirtschaft,-Telekommunikation, Transport u. a. Wir sind immer im Trend.
Standort Sofia wächst weiter und wir suchen Kundenberater mit Deutsch für eins der größten Telekommunikationsunternehmen Deutschlands.
Willst du dazu gehören?
Deine Aufgaben
Telefonische Bearbeitung von Kundenanfragen bez. Festnetz- und Mobilfunkverträgen
Kundendatenpflege, Rechnungserklärung u.a.
Verkaufstätigkeit - Angebot von zusätzlichen Produkten, Tarifplänen
Прочетете още: Spezialist Kundenanfragen und Verkauf mit deutscher Sprache
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- Посещения: 147
Key Account Manager
AQ ELECTRIC JSC is a subsidiary of AQ GROUP AB /SWEDEN/, a global manufacturer of components and systems for industrial customers with high demands. The experience and knowledge gained from working at AQ GROUP AB, gave us the confidence to design and produce electric cabinets and components, to assemble products and offer cost effective solutions for demanding industrial customers. In our world, quality, efficiency and accuracy go hand in hand.
We are currently seeking a Key Account Manager for our team, who will contribute to the success our company and will have the opportunity to work with global industry leaders.
The successfully appointed Key Account Manager will have the following skills and abilities:
Great desire to work, curiosity and desire for professional development as a Key Account Manager.
Bachelor's degree in Engineering.
Have the ability to work within a fast-paced manufacturing environment.
Experience in the engineering or manufacturing sector.
The ability or the potential to lead a team to reaching new goals, and the ability to engage with colleagues across quality, engineering, production delivery and planning.
A meticulous approach to details.
Excellent English- verbal and written.
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- Посещения: 152
Консултант продажби, стоково кредитиране - гр. Перник
Стани част от екипа на най-добрата банка за работа в България*
Ти ще:
Посрещаш клиенти в големите вериги за техника и ще им предлагаш да си купят така желаната прахосмукачка робот, фитнес гривна или маша за коса на изплащане;
Разказваш на клиентите за условията за финансиране и отговаряш на техните въпроси;
Помагаш да кандидатстват за кредит, като оформиш документите и попълниш информацията;
Ти си:
Мотивиран и амбициозен, със силни умения за работа в продажби и за работа в екип;
Ангажиран с постигането на високи резултати;
Имаш опит или познания в областта на финансите и банковата дейност;
С отлични комуникативни умения;
Компютърно грамотен.
Прочетете още: Консултант продажби, стоково кредитиране - гр. Перник
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- Посещения: 128
Customer Support Specialist with Czech/Slovak and English - Technical or Social Media support
Foundever™ is a global leader in the customer experience (CX) industry. With 170,000 associates across the globe, we’re the team behind the best experiences for +750 of the world’s leading and digital-first brands. Our innovative CX solutions, technology and expertise are designed to support operational needs for our clients and deliver a seamless experience to customers in the moments that matter.
Our office in Sofia is based in the city center and employs more than 800 people, supporting 32 languages all around the world. For one of our projects we are looking for passionate and customer oriented Technical support specialist with German.
Respond to and resolve a wide variety of consumer queries by phone calls and e-mails;
taking control of situations and thinking on your feet to make smart decisions in order to resolve up to customer contacts;
provides customers with advice and information regarding clients' products and services, exceeding department productivity standards and quality customer care standards;
carries out customer inquiries in timely and correct manner by predefined rules when escalation is needed;
understanding customer’s needs so as to be able to deliver the best solution for each of them in line with our key performance indicators;
navigating multiple systems simultaneously in order to update e-records promptly and accurately;
proactively provide support and assistance to colleagues and work together as a team.
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- Посещения: 122
Инженер - механик
Твоите отговорности:
- Организира, контролира и ръководи методически работата на секционните майстори по цехове, при поддръжка на машините, ремонти и основни ремонти, както и по съоръжения на територията на фирмата;
- Осигурява техническата документация и нормативни документи;
- Участва по доставка, монтаж, експлоатация, ремонт и поддръжка на механичната част на оборудването и технологичните съоръжения във фирмата;
- Организира качествено и навременно извършването на ППР;
- Проверка на качеството на получените части;
- Участва в дейности свързани със закупуване и доставка на нови машини и съоръжения, замяна на амортизирани; участва при оценка на дълготрайни материални активи;
- Да спазва изискванията на ДПП и др.
Най - важните изисквания за успешен старт на позицията:
- Висше – техническо;
- Компютърна грамотност;
- Практически опит в ремонта и експлоатацията на машини и съоръжения – най-малко 2 години.