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- Посещения: 43
IT System Administrator
UNIQA Software-Service Bulgaria is a software development company. Working closely with UNIQA IT Services GmbH we are specialized in building enterprise applications for the insurance companies within UNIQA Group.
We are currently looking for Local System Administrator to join our growing team.
Your main responsibilities:
- Maintain and manage essential IT infrastructure, including operating systems, security tools, applications, servers, laptops, desktops, software, and hardware.
- Address internal infrastructure requirements, such as laptops, desktop computers, servers, routers, switches, firewalls, printers, and security updates.
- Assist the help desk and other teams in troubleshooting issues, identifying root causes, and providing technical support when necessary.
Your qualification:
- Strong knowledge of Linux, BSD, Windows (2012-2016 server, 10, 11).
- Excellent understanding of networking principles, including Ethernet, TCP/IP, and VPN (IPsec, SSL).
- Experience with Windows operational support.
- Proficient in hardware troubleshooting.
- Effective problem-solving abilities.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
- Good command of English, with German language skills being a plus.
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- Посещения: 44
Data Developer
UNIQA Software-Service Bulgaria is a software development company. Working closely with UNIQA IT Services GmbH we are specialized in building enterprise applications for the insurance companies within UNIQA Group..
We are currently looking for a Data Developer to join our growing team.
Purpose of the Job Role
As a Data Developer, you will provide technological support to help the organization become data-driven. This will be achieved by leveraging state-of-the-art technologies to enable an automated digital factory, advanced analytics, AI, IoT, robotics, and self-service reporting systems. You will design, create, test, and maintain software applications and systems that meet the needs of the insurance lifecycle and end-users, using Agile methodologies.
What You Will Be Doing?
Participate in the implementation of modern Data Warehouses (DWH), Data Lakes, and reporting platforms.
- Harmonize data definitions and maintain a data dictionary to ensure consistency across systems.
- Ensure data quality by working with teams to validate and clean data.
- Combine and utilize existing data sources to serve business purposes and maximize value.
- Write complex database queries when standard solutions are not sufficient.
- Collaborate with cross-functional Agile teams to translate business requirements into scalable and efficient data architectures.
What We Expect from You?
University degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Software Engineering, or a related field.
- Minimum 3 years of experience in a similar role or relevant industry position.
- Experience with database management systems and integration technologies.
- Experience working with cloud platforms is an advantage.
- Fluency in English, both spoken and written.
- Knowledge of insurance processes and industry best practices.
- Strong communication and collaboration skills, with an ability to work in a team-based environment.
What We Offer You:
- Attractive remuneration package with a full-time permanent contract
- Yearly bonus
- Incentives for high performance
- Employee referral bonuses
- Stable work environment part of large Banking and Insurance Multinational Group
- Working on long-term in-house projects
- Quiet office in Kamenitza Office Park
- Flexible working hours
- Remote work possible
- Additional health insurance including dental care
- Food vouchers
- Multisport card
- Exchange of experience and training with international professionals
- Career development opportunities
- Team building events held both in Bulgaria and Europe
- A friendly team culture that promotes learning and team collaboration
- German language courses
Месторабота: Пловдив
Кандидатствай тук: https://www.jobs.bg/job/7738600
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- Посещения: 47
DEKRA Arbeit Groupе е една от най-успешните и иновативни компании в сферата на персонала с над 120 локации в Европа. Тя е част от холдинговото дружество DEKRA SE, със седалище в Щутгарт, Германия и по целия свят е призната като висококачествен доставчик на услуги и доверен партньор.
За наш доверен партньор – една от най-големите световни генерични фармацевтични компании, търсим да назначи:
- Производство на гранули и пелети в съответствие със стандартите за качество;
- Подготовка на машината за работа, включително настройка на специфичния софтуер;
- Осигуряване на оптимални условия за работа на машината;
- Надлежно попълване на партидната документация в електронни системи;
- Следене и контрол на производствения процес и своевременно отстраняване на проблеми;
- Спазване на вътрешните регламенти и стандарти за безопасност и хигиена.
- Средно образование (техническо, химия, биология ще е предимство)
- Възможност за работа на трисменен режим (I - 06:00-14:00 / II - 14:00-22:00 / III 22:00-06:00)
- Компютърни умения (предимство е наличието им, но се предлага допълнително обучение при нужда)
- Не се изисква опит във фармацевтичното производство, но предишен опит в производствена сфера, се счита за предимство;
- Умения за работа в екип;
- Организираност и отговорно отношение към поставените задачи.
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- Посещения: 38
Aлтея Органикс ООД е бързо развиваща се българска компания, занимаваща се с производство и дистрибуция на био сертифицирани козметични продукти, етерични масла и флорални води. Производствено-административната база на компанията се намира в село Ягода, община Мъглиж, разположена сред розовите градини, които компанията отглежда.
Компанията притежава собствена дестилерия за производство на етерични масла и флорални води, както и оборудвана лаборатория за развойна дейност, намиращи се на територията на Производствено-административната база в с. Ягода.
Ръководи дейността по ефективното протичане на технологичните процеси;
Разработва предложения за усъвършенстване на настоящи продукти;
Участва в разработването и внедряването на нови изделия или технологии;
Анализ на качеството на продукцията;
Организира и контролира дейностите по технологичното развитие на производството;
Създаване и поддържане в актуално състояние на технологичната документация;
Следене на технологичните новости в областта на органичната козметика.
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- Посещения: 50
Digital Trust and Safety Specialist with Hebrew and English - Relocation assistance to Sofia
Are you ready to take the next step in your career and achieve your next challenge?
If your answer is YES - join the leader in the CX (Customer Experience) industry TELUS Digital Bulgaria!
As a Digital Trust and Safety Specialist with Hebrew and English you will:
- Review user-generated back-office information, which may include sensitive or potentially disturbing content, and ensure compliance with established policies
- Take prompt and appropriate action on information that violates guidelines or poses risks
- Stay updated on internal policies to ensure accurate implementation
- Identify and analyze patterns to proactively address potential risks