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- Посещения: 169
AQ ELECTRIC JSC is a subsidiary of AQ GROUP AB / SWEDEN/, a global manufacturer of components and systems for industrial customers with high demands. The experience and knowledge gained from working at AQ GROUP AB, gave us the confidence to design and produce electric cabinets and components, to assemble products and offer cost effective solutions for demanding industrial customers. In our world, quality, efficiency and accuracy go hand in hand.
In connection with the increase of the projects by our key customers, we are seeking for highly qualified project manager, who will contribute to the success our company.
• Clarify project objectives with customers
• Plan, coordinate and track project realization from specification (RFQ) to mass production
• Identify risks related to projects
• Define project tasks and resource requirements
• Lead the planning and implementation of project
• Enforce compliance adherence to the contract scope on budget and on schedule
• Communicate with the customer as main point of contact regarding technical requirements and schedule
• Work closely with the engineering staff tracking weekly planned work and report progress
• Constantly monitor and report on progress of the project to all stakeholders
• Coordinates project activities
• Assesses project issues and identifies solutions to meet quality
• Manages all processes through ERP
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- Посещения: 160
Инженер проекти
„АК Електрик“ АД е дъщерно дружество на AQ GROUP AB (Швеция), който е световен производител на компоненти и системи за индустриални клиенти с високи изисквания. Опитът и знанията, които придобихме от работата си в AQ GROUP AB, ни даде увереността да проектираме и произвеждаме електрически табла и компоненти, да асемблираме продукти и да предлагаме ефективни ценови решения за взискателни индустриални клиенти. В нашия свят, качество, ефективност и прецизност на доставката, вървят ръка за ръка.
Във връзка с развитието на нашия инженерен екип, търсим компетентен и отговорен „Инженeр проекти“.
• Участва в процеса на внедряването на нови проекти и продукти в производството
• Определя последователността на целия производствен процес за даден продукт
• Участва в оптимизацията на производствените процеси (Lean Manufacturing)
• Осъществява контрола на последващи инженерни промени по продукта
• Осъществява контакт с широк кръг от специалисти в компанията
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- Посещения: 172
Key Account Manager
AQ ELECTRIC JSC is a subsidiary of AQ GROUP AB /SWEDEN/, a global manufacturer of components and systems for industrial customers with high demands. The experience and knowledge gained from working at AQ GROUP AB, gave us the confidence to design and produce electric cabinets and components, to assemble products and offer cost effective solutions for demanding industrial customers. In our world, quality, efficiency and accuracy go hand in hand.
We are currently seeking a Key Account Manager for our team, who will contribute to the success our company and will have the opportunity to work with global industry leaders.
The successfully appointed Key Account Manager will have the following skills and abilities:
Great desire to work, curiosity and desire for professional development as a Key Account Manager.
Bachelor's degree in Engineering.
Have the ability to work within a fast-paced manufacturing environment.
Experience in the engineering or manufacturing sector.
The ability or the potential to lead a team to reaching new goals, and the ability to engage with colleagues across quality, engineering, production delivery and planning.
A meticulous approach to details.
Excellent English- verbal and written.
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- Посещения: 204
Warehouse Manager
AQ ELECTRIC JSC is a subsidiary of AQ GROUP AB /SWEDEN/, a global manufacturer of components and systems for industrial customers with high demands. The experience and knowledge gained from working at AQ GROUP AB, gave us the confidence to design and produce electric cabinets and components, to assemble products and offer cost effective solutions for demanding industrial customers. In our world, quality, efficiency and accuracy go hand in hand.
We are currently seeking a Warehouse Manager for our team, who will contribute to the success our company and will have the opportunity to work with global industry leaders.
The successfully appointed Warehouse Manager will have the following skills and abilities:
Great desire to work, curiosity and desire for professional development as a Warehouse Manager.
Have the ability to work within a fast-paced manufacturing environment.
Experience as a Warehouse Manager in the manufacturing sector.
Demonstrated ability to achieve targets and improve operational standards.
Familiarity with 5S standards and Health and Safety practices.
Strong organisational and planning skills.
Proficiency in using warehouse management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Excellent English- verbal and written.
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- Посещения: 159
Специалист, обслужване на клиенти с немски език
Нова работа, ново предизвикателство, нов етап в живота.
С Региоком България си на правилния път!
Направи следващата крачка към една по-добра кариера!
Над 10 години Service Center България! 1300 супер колеги в София, Варна, Русе, Велико Търново, Добрич, Стара Загора и Бургас! Повече от 10 проекта и успешни партньорства с клиенти.
6000 служители на 25 локации в Германия, България, Австрия, Гърция, Турция и Аржентина! Разрастваме се непрестанно и ставаме още по-силни!
На нашия професионализъм се доверяват големи немски контрагенти в сферата на енергетиката, телекомуникациите, търговията, транспорта, банковото дело и много други. Ние винаги сме в крак с времето.
Нашите ИТ-специалисти разработват системи за дигитализиране на технологични процеси и и изпълняват проекти за различни контрагенти.
Искаш ли да си част от успеха?
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Прочетете още: Специалист, обслужване на клиенти с немски език